The Curfew at Archive Kabinett


The Curfew
27.01 – 18.02.2018

Exhibition in Archive Kabinett

Realized in Budapest in the framework of OFF-Biennale in the autumn of 2017, the street play The Curfew is an alternative form of public demonstration. A troupe roves the streets of Budapest. They push in front of them a three-meter high egg-shaped, multiplayer megaphone. They stop at busy public squares to perform their play as a speaking choir about the transfiguration of a group of security guards. They are helped by the magical “talking egg” in which the voices reborn and amplify.

By using tools related to the various traditions and forms of street-theater, such as grotesque and humor, the performance aimed to celebrate freedom of expression and fearlessness, acting against a general mood of political and civic frustration and passivity.

Archive Journal Issue No. 3 has been launched, focusing on The Curfew with texts by Zsófia Bán, Kata Krasznahorkai, Andrej Mirčev, Hajnalka Somogy

Archive Journal No. 03
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